9 Months Without Sickness

As long as I can remember I’ve gotten sick fairly regularly. Nothing serious, just a cold and the sniffles every 3-6 months. Usually I got sick around exam time in school – maybe because of the additional stress. I’d be the one sniffling in a quiet room and bothering everyone else. Sorry y’all! As a child I had strep throat every few years as well. I think I had it like 4 times which apparently can become deadly with that frequency. Luckily I’m still alive!

Last year I actually started the year off by having walking pnemonia. After a month of hearing me cough up my lung my partner forced me to go to the doctor. I maintained I was fine…obviously I wasn’t and he won that fight :). As a quick plug, I discovered an amazing urgent care chain called ZoomCare when I couldn’t get any general practitioner appointments anytime soon. It was recommended by a friend and they have stores all over the city. Everything with them is done online and I was able to book an appointment on their website for first thing in the morning.

When I arrived it was empty and clean. The receptionist offered me a variety of hot teas. I felt like a queen! The nurse practioner was on time, straight-forward with my diagnosis and gave me a prescription that I was able to fill at the pharmacy next door. It was amazing! Definitely the best medical experience I’ve ever had in America. Definitely worth the $150, which felt like a steal since it was out of network. I learned to not be cheap with my healthcare and take my health seriously.

Actually on that note something funny happened when I went to fill the prescription. I asked how much the prescription was before buying it because American healthcare is horrible and the pharmacist said “four-oh-five” and I was like $405 or $4.05? Luckily it was $4.05 so I bought it :).

So after all of that background I am happy and shocked to announce that since I started keto at the beginning of this year I haven’t been sick once. It’s definitely a record! I obviously don’t know for sure that keto is the culprit, but it’s the only thing that’s changed in my life between this year and last. Fellow keto-ers have also had the same experiences even for years in a row. All anecdotal, but a very cool idea. Here’s to another healthy year!

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