Motivation and Wanting It Bad Enough

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I don’t understand people.

Let me be more specific. I have a friend that has complained about a few things over the years (as all people do): I’m gaining too much weight, I’m spending too much money etc. When someone asks me for advice on how to fix something I happily provide my opinion. I don’t offer it without someone else’s prompting.

So when this friend – after years of not doing anything about what she’s complaining about – reaches out to me and asks for help tackling her weight gain I’m happy to oblige. She asked if we could meet to talk about keto. I said sure and to read the two sidebar posts on the keto subreddit before we meet so she understands the basics and we can better use our time together to help with clarification and answer any questions she can’t find the answers to on there.

She arrived at my house and claimed that she “couldn’t find” the materials I told her to read. That should have been a red flag right there. So I pulled up the website which had it clearly marked and had her read it in front of me. She said she had no questions. I asked when she was going to start trying keto and she said “tomorrow.” I suggested right then. Personally saying you’ll do something “tomorrow” is a recipe for not ever doing it and making excuses. She agreed to start right then.

A few hours later we went to dinner. My friend asked me to order for her because she’s seen me order a keto friendly meal at this restaurant before. I ordered for her, returned from the restroom and she told me that they got the order 99% right, but left a few beans on the salad we subbed for rice. I told her no worries – I’ve eaten around the beans before. She said “Oh I already ate them. I guess I’ll start tomorrow.” I started to feel a twinge in my heart and wasn’t sure what it was. The next day I found out πŸ™‚ .

I awakened and texted my friend asking how her first keto day was going. I wanted to check in because I love the support of others when I’m doing something difficult and know that going from a carbs based diet to keto can be difficult for your body and mind depending on how addicted to carbs you were. The response I received was not what I expected: “I had sugar in my coffee.”

I asked why she did that. She said she didn’t know. She said “without the sugar I’m under 20g carbs today” and I said “that’s not how it works…you can’t count carbs ‘except for something i ate'” and I started to get annoyed. Later she texted me that she just had a salad made of tomatoes and asked AFTER if that’s ok – if tomatoes have a lot of carbs and stating “carbs in vegetables don’t count right?” They absolutely do count and I found myself getting seriously annoyed. Not only did she obviously not actually read what I literally sat in front of her to read, but she literally doesn’t seem to care. She pretended to have motivation to make a change, asked me for my time and energy and then (I felt) basically spat in my face.

She asked me questions after the fact that she could have easily looked up or should have known. She seemed to not even try to change in a way she claimed she wanted to and she expended my emotional energy in the process.

My Mom has said in the past that I can’t expect other people to act like me and I know I shouldn’t. I just get annoyed when people waste my time – when I try to help them up (at their request), but they are not willing to help themselves. I may be different – when I set my mind to something I’m almost obsessive about it. When I started keto I read every book I could find and watched every documentary. When I learned about financial independence I did the same with personal finance and investing books. My Mom says other people are not like that – they can be more wishy-washy and I shouldn’t think of their failure as my failure.

My partner recently saw an article on a rationality blog that he thought was relevant. The article explains that there are 3 axes to do something: 1. Wanting 2. Liking and 3. Approving. The article explains that it can be very difficult to do something different if you don’t have all three. Dieting is something that you want for yourself and approve of as an action, but don’t “like” in that most people don’t enjoy it. This causes most people to just not do it.

So I’m curious to see what happens on my friend’s journey. I wish her the best and I’m going to try and separate my feelings from someone else’s results after they ask for advice. Motivation is a hard thing.

9 thoughts on “Motivation and Wanting It Bad Enough

  1. Good on you for being willing to help the friend. I know it’s tough when people don’t take your advice, especially when they specifically asked for it, and it has clearly worked for you. Your mom is right, their failure is not your failure. You have to let it go, continue to support your friend, but recognize she makes her own life choices and she alone must live with the results.

  2. I was wondering if you could share a sample day/week of what you eat on keto? You have inspired me to try this but I am having a hard time figuring out what to eat on a normal day/week since I’m not big on cooking. Thank you!

    1. Hi There – If you aren’t big on cooking a sample of my day won’t help you much since I cook often πŸ™‚ . I would suggest heading over to and seeing what they have to say on the topic of non-cooking keto. Good luck!

  3. Hello! I’m lurking on your old posts πŸ™‚ Anyway, I completely relate to this. I had a friend who asked me for advice– should she get a dog? We were still in University and in that time she had smuggled in a rat, then had to give it away, rescued a rabbit (my parents adopted it), and other little creatures rotated out of her dorm room. I don’t know why she bothered asking me for advice if she was just going to ignore it– now she leaves her dog with her mom states away after moving to a non-pet-friendly apartment in NY. Friends why you gotta be like this.

    1. Hi creeper πŸ˜‰ – that sounds like quite a rotating zoo she created there. And was your friend my neighbor in NYC lol? No dogs were allowed in our building, but for a week our neighbor had a yippy dog that would bark constantly when she was gone. We ended up reporting her and the dog got kicked out and went back to live with her Mom in CT. And I really don’t know why people gotta be like this – le sigh.

  4. Sounds like your friend was not completely ready to make a big change. I’m so glad you were there to support her! If she’d made the choice then for the time to be right, you’d have walked her through it and been there for her!

    I read this once and it’s stuck with me. “I am responsible for how I treat myself and how I treat others. I am not responsible for how others treat me or how others treat themselves.” – I’d begin fretting over how a friend treated me or treated themselves then I’d have to remember I’m not responsible for them. It’s not easy to let go when you can see how their life could be better!!

    1. Really great points. You’re totally right and I’m definitely still here if/when she decides she’s ready (it’s been almost 2 years πŸ™‚ ). That’s a really great quote – thank you for sharing and stopping by!!

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