1 Month To Retirement: AHHHHHHHH!!!

…So I may be a little excited 🙂 This is starting to feel real, which it turns out is a good and a bad thing. I’ll get into why below, but overall here’s what I’ve been up to the last month:

A lot has happened since my last update. First of all, in case you missed it: I hit my FIRE number in July!

And I wrote a whole post about the experience here.

Earlier in the month I also did a fun little recap of my net worth through the ages to help ground myself and realize how far I’ve come in a relatively short amount of time:

And since then the market has been losing its bloody mind for some reason, and I hit a new net worth high:

In addition to all that excitement we also sold everything we owned and became nomads at the beginning of the month!

This also happens to be my last countdown to retirement update and I have 4 weeks left of work. Absolutely wild. This kind of contemplation has been leading to some fun and ridiculous tweets:

A Summer Work Recap

June was a 60+ hour work week hell. July was (luckily) much better, which worked out well since most of my energy was concentrated on trying to get rid of all my stuff. It also reminded me how weird it feels to have a lighter workload while in client service.

Despite not doing something urgent at every second of the day, I was still stuck inside 9-5pm at the beck and call of email and chat pings. Even on days that I didn’t have that many requests I’m still tired by the end of it, which is so strange and fascinating to me. It’s also possible that being a human being is just plain tiring especially during this weird year…I guess I’ll have to check in in a few years to see if that hypothesis is true 😉 .

Then work became strangely tolerable for a week until it took the plunge off the deep end. Good try work – you almost had me fooled that you were innocent instead of a succubus of my energy and sanity (for a paycheck, but still 😉 )!

During those wild times when I was hunched over a laptop screen for 4 hours at a time without any breaks, I tried to remind myself “In a month you’ll never have to do this again – that’s no time at all!”

But I was once again reminded that the heart and the mind are different beasts because despite that very real and soon reality my heart refused to believe it. I got into that weird tornado of thought when your brain assumes that how you feel now is how you’re always going to feel and there is no end (even though there literally is one just over the horizon…)

It was super weird and not what I expected to feel. Though I guess the alternative was ending my career on “this isn’t that bad”, which I suspect would cause me to question my decision down the line.

Instead, the universe decided to viscerally remind me why I want the hell out of Corporate America. Thanks Universe 🙂 . Here are some examples of that:

Impatience Skyrocketed

I’ve talked before about the weird dance impatience does on the path to financial independence. Work continues to be stressful and I can’t let go and truly not care (stupid, perfectionist nature!). Still, I do my best, which is good for my company but not great for my mental health.

I reached what I thought was DGAF status a few months ago, but it turns out that that (sadly) doesn’t mean I don’t care or that I can separate myself from my work and the stress it brings. Stupid brain!

I Almost Quit

So, one morning this happened:

It was a close call, but after sitting in the sun, taking deep breaths and having a few friends (and my partner) talk me down, I decided not to quit a month early:

I Changed My Quit Date (Again)

Something did change after that mini-meltdown though 🙂 . My quit date has always been an evolving beast. Originally, I was going to have my last day at the end of September when I was still going to FinCon, but when I cancelled my ticket and realized that I will need a stopgap health insurance plan (here are all the details on why), I changed my plan to ending employment at the beginning of October so I would (hopefully – my company is sketchy AF) have health insurance through October (though I wouldn’t even be on this side of the country so if it would actually cover anything is a little doubtful…).

Also, way back when, I was going to give a month of notice that I was leaving. At my favorite job to date, my “dream job” that I had in NYC (that also disappeared because nothing lasts forever kids…), I gave 4 months of notice. I loved my boss and the entire company was just me and her so I wanted to give her ample time to find and have me train a replacement.

So, originally, I was going to give my current company a month of notice given that I’ve been here 4 years and do a lot for them (including being the only person that knows the company social media passwords 😉 …). Then my company started going down the tubes and basically out of spite I decreased that to two weeks (even though that’s still common courtesy…my idea of spite is ridiculous 🙂 ).

So, I decreased to 2 weeks of notice because of how poorly my company was treating my colleagues, but now I’m realizing: I was willing to quit a month early. Doing so wouldn’t have negatively affected anything: I will have all the investments and savings I was aiming for, I have a health insurance plan that works regardless.

There is no reason to back away from my original plan of one month of notice. If they show their (expected) colors and tell me to GTFO that very day I’m financially good so BRING IT!

So, I’m giving 1 month notice TODAY and I’m live tweeting the experience if you’re interested. I’m planning for my last day to be Thursday, October 1st.


It’s our final time reviewing this to-do list, but don’t worry – if you’re curious how all my monetary goals shake out at the end of the year I record them annually in my financial recap posts that I’ve done every year since the end of 2014 (see 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019 here).

And if you’re interested in how my non-monetary goals went I review those in my annual accomplishments posts. Can you tell I like recording things 😉 ? So, for the final time in this forum, let’s see how I’m doing!

2020 Ongoing Monetary Goals

  • Max my 401K ($19,500 + $400 match) – $17,686 SAVED!
  • Set aside Year 1-2 Retirement money in cash ($40,000) – $28,033 SAVED!
    • I have $33,413 total in cash currently
  • Max a Roth IRA ($6,000) – ON HOLD
  • Overall save $52,000 – $45,719 SAVED TOTAL!

Overall, my monetary goals are too sexy to contemplate 😉 . Definitely not what I expected given how 2020 has gone, but here we are. Despite that wildness, I’ve stuck to the plan and with the paycheck I receive later this week will max my 401K and will have saved a cash buffer that I can use for the first few years of early retirement. Wowza.

As for my Roth IRA, I’ve decided to wait and see what will happen before deciding to max it or not. If my company tells me to GTFO when I quit today (and I don’t get another paycheck), I might not have enough to max this and that money would be better served going into my cash buffer, but we shall see.

As of now, it’s on hold. If, however, everything goes to plan I will receive many more thousands of dollars for my work along with my quarterly bonus and my unused PTO payout and I can use that to max my Roth IRA near the end of the year.

2020 Ongoing Life Goals

  • Buy nomad gear – COMPLETE!
  • Read books that have been sitting on my shelf forever before I donate them – COMPLETE!
  • Get rid of basically everything I ownCOMPLETE!
  • Throw Comcast in the trash – COMPLETE!
  • Play PC video games – COMPLETE!
  • Fit into my pants – IN PROGRESS

The Final Comcast Chapter

I cannot escape these idiots. A month before we moved I scheduled my service cancellation with Comcast. They said cool, but that I should check back with them 2 weeks out to make sure it’s still on their books….WHAT?!

Ugh. So, two weeks later, I told the chat bot to get me a representative. They confirmed the cancellation was on their books and that “It seems that the completion date for the cancellation is on August 11, but the billing will be stopped already on the 31st”…whatever that means.

Then my bill was (again) incorrect – and they said I should ignore it. So I cancelled auto-payments and they asked me to pay a different amount than was listed (this company I swear…) and then I closed the chat before screenshotting it like I usually do (shit) so I didn’t remember the exact other amount I should pay (oops).

I tried contact them again, asking for a chat history or another rep to check my balance in their system and was told that no one is available to help me. So I guessed the amount and then had to check that I didn’t get charged late fees like the online portal claimed I would.

I wasn’t charged late fees, but I did receive a bill for August…the month after our cancellation…*siiiiigh*. I contacted them again and they fixed that. And, after all of that, this chapter of my life is finally at an end. Thank Fuck. If I ever have to get my own internet in the future I hope it’s after we’ve abolished these ridiculous monopolies. I hate Comcast, but the saga is finally over. Phew!

Play Video Games

Before we moved, I did all I could to enjoy the gorgeous graphics that the Sims 4 provides and this thread was the result of that:

August To-Dos

  • Live in an AirBnB for a month! – IN PROGRESS

We’ve been living in an AirBnB for over a month now and a whole post about what that’s been like will be out in 2-3 weeks.

September To-Dos

  • Give my notice today!
  • Live in a (different) AirBnB for a month!
  • Set up World Nomads health insurance – IN PROGRESS
  • Cancel flight to LA – IN PROGRESS
  • Cancel flight to Argentina – IN PROGRESS

October To-Dos

  • Transfer my 401K from my company account – IN PROGRESS
  • Change my taxable dividends to go into my checking account instead of being reinvested


And that’s it! This is my last countdown to retirement post. It’s been absolutely wonderful going through this journey with y’all. Stay tuned for further updates about what happens WHEN I QUIT TODAY (in a full post next Tuesday and live tweeted on Twitter in the meantime), details about my last day and finally on my journey through early retirement! But for now: 3 Mondays to go (thanks Labor Day 😉 )…

How has the last month been for you? Did you accomplish your goals?

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37 thoughts on “1 Month To Retirement: AHHHHHHHH!!!

    1. She’s staying anonymous so she can keep providing full financial details to us! And I’m starting a petition for her to legally change her name to “Purple” so that fixes it 😁

        1. Yeah that is a spoiler. I’m not opposed to changing my middle name to Purple if someone else handles the paperwork lol.

  1. Nothing like accomplishing a long term goal, set sail and enjoy your next chapter. I wish you and yours much happiness and adventure in whatever comes next!

  2. Live tweeting your resignation! haha! Can’t wait!

    Your post has me thinking really hard because like you I’m considering pulling the trigger very soon, but I don’t have quite as concrete a plan as you do. I was originally considering acquiring another rental property in order to easily qualify for the mortgage, but I’m not even sure I want to do that anyhow. It makes me realize how much I need to come up with a more concrete plan before I end up with one-more-year syndrome.

    Anyway, congratulations and I will have my hypothetical-keto-popcorn out as I follow along your adventure today and deeply contemplate my own.

    1. Woohoo – I hope you enjoyed it! And I’m all about plans on plans on plans – you got this! Good luck on your journey and thank you.

  3. Congratulations!!! Absolutely loved your monthly countdown series! Cannot wait to see (and read) what happens next on your journey!

    1. Thank you and so happy you enjoyed the series! They will be continuing in another form 😉 . I’m thinking of turning it into a monthly retirement update series. Let me know what you think!

  4. I’m so excited for you and so excited to continue following your adventures post-retirement! This is just the beginning!

  5. I don’t know that I have too much meaningful to add other than I am following the live tweet thread with baited breath. I’m not sure what it means to have your breath be baited, but it feels like the appropriate condition for breath to be in while following such a thing. Huzzah!

    I almost quit a few times this year. It’s weird knowing you COULD quit, if you wanted to. In the past, quitting or being fired meant being flat broke in short order. Somehow I always survived those situations, though it took some frantic scrambling. But even now with far more resources than back then, I still was loathe to pull the trigger.

    Sometimes I think it’s the fact that overall I now work from home a lot, have very little supervision and a boss who I don’t see much and who mostly lets me do what I need to do. It’s tough when I know it’s balanced with the quality of my work and the product I contribute to declining. I still think quitting is inevitable.

    Anyway, enough of my ramblings. Good luck today! I will be checking Twitter far more than I should today…

    1. Haha glad you found it interesting! Quitting or being laid off for me luckily hasn’t been linked to being broke in short order except my first layoff in the second year of my career. That helps decrease the stress a lot for me in those situations. That’s awesome you found a good situations for yourself. I’m sorry the product is declining – sounds like you’re in a good situation to take the leap when you want to though. Thank you!

  6. Enjoy it! I gave my two weeks notice and went in only a few times after that. I didn’t do much work during those 2 weeks.
    You’re a much nicer person. 🙂

    1. Thank you – working on it haha! That’s awesome you didn’t do much for the 2 weeks – my month is sadly not looking like that so far. As for being nice, I gave extra notice more for me than for them 😉 . Now I can check out mentally and they know why.

  7. our august was absolutely stellar. stock investments are up 72% year to date. can you believe that? we just keep buying fancy wine to celebrate money milestones.

    i quit a job once with a few weeks notice but they told me to GTFO and call it “severance.” that worked well for me. well done on all that saving and investing. now it’s almost time to get on a plane and that should be fun!

    1. So glad you had a stellar month! And yeah I saw that post of yours and tagged it to read – that’s wild! Calling a GTFO severance is sweet – I’d happily accept that haha. And thank you! Yeeeah the plane will be an adventure…

  8. Congrats Purple, I’m super excited for you and I love following your journey! Following the live Twitter feed and can’t wait to read what is coming after this chapter 🙌🏼

    1. Aww thank you – even though I’m your Mom according to U so now I’m confused 😉 . Focus on the good stuff lady!!!

    1. Haha glad you found them entertaining. It indeed couldn’t have gone better. And thank you! Now I just have to write next weeks post haha 🙂

  9. Congratulations, Purple! I missed the story about what happened to motivate you to reduce your notice from the month to two weeks albeit back again. What soured your original intention? I appreciated your willingness to document these months leading up to today! Looking forward to next Tuesday’s post.

    1. Thank you Tara! It was my company generally deteriorating by promoting toxic managers and horrible people, claiming to be transparent and paying women and POC way less and lying about it and overall not being a place I want to support. And woohoo I’ll get to writing it!

  10. Cool, very happy for you! I actually have in my contract a mandatory 2 month notice if I leave 🙁

    Is there anything you think you will actually miss about the corporate world? Serious questions haha.

    1. Oh wow – I haven’t heard of a clause like that before! That’s a chunk of time. As for your question – I thought about it a lot and honestly: No. 🙂

  11. SO EXCITING!!!! I have to admit, sharing your current corporate horror stories (email at 10pm asking you to have something done by 8am, or something like that) really brought me back to corporate hell. The corporate work culture can really crush your soul, and so glad you are escaping. I would have just given them 2 weeks notice 😉 You are a better person.
    Occasionally I’ll meet with an ex-coworker to catch-up, and never once miss the 9-5 rat race. Never. I get the impression most people would feel lost without a 9-5 (or 8am-10pm, whatever, lol). But they seem so stressed and out of touch with what matters in life. I wish more could see the light and get their freedom on like you have. Excited to see your post-retirement journey 😀

    1. You most likely will, but no promises at this point 😉 . I want to give myself the freedom to decide to do whatever fits my fancy. I can’t imagine leaving the community in every way though so don’t worry – you will hear updates in some fashion, be it random pictures on Instagram or me hanging on Twitter. I’ll still be around even if my posting schedule changes or stops after my 1 year post-retirement commitment 🙂 .

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