Welcome to 2025! That means The Matrix came out a little over a quarter of a century ago and I feel quite old as a result 🙂 . But enough about my existential crisis 😉 – let’s see what I got up to in December 2024!
I Moved To Upstate NY
After almost 3 months galavanting around Europe, my Partner and I headed back to Upstate NY to spend the holidays with his family. My experiment of trying out fall and winter weather for the first time in a year didn’t go so well (I’m going back to my 65F and sunny ways overall…), BUT what went really well was visiting family for the holidays.
It was wonderful to do activities straight out of a Hallmark Christmas movie and generally be around amazing human beings that are my chosen family. I’ve also noticed that I’ve been feeling some FOMO lately because my Partner’s family all moved back to the same area in 2024, so we got to see on our Group Chat all their random fun hangouts while we were on the other side of the world.
I still love traveling, but I suspect the FOMO has officially gotten to me and we’ll stay in the area more this year. I’ve even been toying with the idea of getting an apartment there, but I doubt I would do that if we’d still be traveling most of the year because the place would sit empty, which seems like a waste. And I have no interest in getting a job in retirement by being a landlord to rent it or Airbnb it out when we’re not there. So these vague ‘homebase’ thoughts are just something I’m contemplating in 2025.
I’m building more family time into my plans going forward so we can be present see them more often and also be there to see our niblings grow up. They’re growing so fast!
I Changed Ad Networks!
I’m currently in my transition period between Monumetric and Journey By Mediavine, so in the next few days while I’m transferring to “Journey,” if you see some new stuff happening on this blog that’s why 🙂 .
As you might suspect if you’ve been reading these recaps for a while, the impetus for this change was a few of you reporting having tech issues with my site. After I wasn’t able to fix the problem for everyone with all of the steps I, my webdev Partner, and my previous ad network could come up with, I was thinking about either changing ad networks or getting rid of my ads altogether.
However, I heard about Journey (a new option by Mediavine for sites with at least 10,000 sessions) and learned that they have had no reported issues with page jumping, sites crashing, iPhone/iPads heating up or anything else that has been happening to some of y’all when you visit my site. So I’m hoping this new network will fix the problems for everyone. I really want this to be a great reading experience and I hope this is a good step towards that.
I Applied For A UK Visa
In travel news, the UK and the EU are going to require US citizens to apply for visas before entering their countries. The UK is implementing this on January 8th and you can currently apply. So I applied for our summer travels since visa applications are rarely smooth in my experience, especially newer ones.
I’m glad I had my Eurotrip last year before all of this was implemented and had no trouble bouncing around different countries. This is just one more thing to do in order to travel to a country, and like adding anything to my to do list, that makes me less likely to do it 🙂 . Maybe that’s their intention – I don’t know.
I procrastinated signing up for the visa and by the time I checked the application process again, the UK visa had introduced a new requirement: you now have to download the UK ETA App on a phone with NFC to apply for a visa. And my phone didn’t have NFC 🙂 .
Hilariously the UK government website says that if you can’t use your phone, you should borrow a friend’s phone – so secure 🙂 . Luckily I was able to borrow a family member’s phone and apply with that.
And ridiculously, the reason that the app requires NFC is so that it can read passport chips…and that function didn’t work when neither I nor my Partner applied for the visa. We had to manually enter additional information after the NFC failed to read our passport chips. So that’s annoying 🙂 .
I wasn’t even able to download the app onto my phone because it said that my phone didn’t have the capabilities needed and then those capabilities didn’t even work. At first I thought it was just the phone I was using, but my friend who is visiting the UK with us (and was the impetus for this trip), said that it didn’t work on her phone or her mother’s phone. So it seems to be a universal issue.
However, on the positive side, I was able to apply for each of us and we both heard back 13 minutes later that we were approved. Woohoo! That’s one thing off of my to do list. Next up, applying for the EU visa once it’s live so we can go back to Iceland in the fall.
I Bought A New Phone
This is news because there’s nothing wrong with my old phone and I think this is the first time I’ve replaced an electronic device that didn’t have any issues. I just wanted a newer phone after running into issues from not having NFC (with the UK visa above and on the JFK AirTrain), and I have been looking for a better phone camera for years. I have also been interested in other recent features such as water resistance and wireless charging. So I finally dove in!
I bought a Google Pixel 8a for $299 through my global cell provider Google Fi, which is 40% off its standard price. And I’m loving this phone so far!
I’m planning to give my old Moto G Stylus (2020) to a family member for them to enjoy. In the meantime, I’m going to get used to this still strange new world of a lightning fast phone processor, face unlock and a gorgeous phone camera.
I Played Video Games
After realizing how much I spent on Sims 4 expansion packs last year, I thought about slowing down…and then I ‘accidentally’ bought the Snowy Escape Expansion Pack for 60% off during yet another sale. I mean I kinda had to because the world is based on Hokkaido in Japan where I’m going this month. I just had to 😉 !
I’ve also been on the high seas this month playing Sea Of Thieves. I was happy to see a few less bugs when playing this time around and was ecstatic to hear that the game has added some new features. When you are in Safer Seas they’ve increased the amount you earn from 30% of what you earn for the same items in High Seas to 100%! This does come with some added limitations, but I don’t even care. I just like exploring islands for treasure on my own server free of internet strangers (no offense 😉 ).
This month I also got back into Stardew Valley and luckily didn’t fall down the rabbit hole again and play 60 hours in a week (like last time…). It was nice to get back to that cozy game. I also tried out Fields Of Mistria, which I was told is a similar game.
I Hung Out With People
This month involved some of my usual virtual meetups, such as that weekly call with my Mom and Weekly Movie Nights where we watched the below. If you’re curious about my ratings of movies, I have a Letterboxd account here.
- The Holdovers
- The Whale
- Predestination
- Ocean’s Eleven
- Aquaman And The Lost Kingdom
- Klaus
- Lake Placid
- Violent Night
Other than those virtual hangouts, I also put my introverted nature to the test by hanging out with gobs of family this month. I color-code my calendar based on what I’m doing and pink indicates something social.
My calendar was drowning in pink this month – in a good way 😉 . I suspect this will lead to a bit of a crash in January that will make me become a hermit for a hot second, but for the moment, I’m just enjoying being surrounded by loved ones.
I Read 12 Books
Here were my favorite reads this month:
- It’s Not Hysteria: Everything You Need to Know About Your Reproductive Health (But Were Never Told) by Dr. Karen Tang
- Why Buddhism is True: The Science and Philosophy of Meditation and Enlightenment by Robert Wright
- Humble Pi: When Math Goes Wrong in the Real World by Matt Parker
To see the other books I read this month and my ratings of them, I have a Goodreads account here.
As I mentioned in my annual goals post, my final number for books completed in 2024 was 220. It’s not the 250 of 2023, but that was so wild that I doubt it will happen again. 220 is still way higher than my goal of 52 and I’m curious to see what my reading will look like in 2025.
I Wrote 9 Posts
In case you missed it, this month I published the below posts:
- The Month Of Amsterdam: November 2024 Recap
- Review: KLM Royal Dutch Airlines – Bologna, Italy to Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- How I Made $5,344 While Retired In 2024
- The Year Of Fitness: 2024 Goals & Accomplishments
- How I Saved $5,736 With Travel Hacking In 2024
- Review: IcelandAir – Reykjavík, Iceland to Zürich, Switzerland
- How I Lived On $21,499 As A Global Nomad In 2024
- Review: IcelandAir – Amsterdam, The Netherlands to NYC
- 2024 Financial Review: Investment Withdrawals, Dividends And Roth Conversions
The reason there are more than double the number of posts up there is because I did PurpleMas this year!
It was as challenging as I thought it would be, so we shall see if I’ll hibernate again next year and make this a special treat tradition instead of an annual one.
In “how is this my life?!” news – two articles about me went live on CNBC and one was even trending for a hot second. Here they are:
- How This Millennial Retired At 30 With Over $500,000
- 34 Year Old Early Retiree Spends Less Than $24,000 A Year While Traveling Full-Time
I was surprised to hear that this journalist at CNBC still wanted to interview me after I said that I am anon online. Usually with major publications that’s where our discussions have ended, but no. She was super kind and figured out how we could make it work.
And in this month’s episode of ‘who offered me money for weird things I declined’ there were these gems:
- A tampon company
- An overpriced sunglasses company (I’m a Zenni girl for life)
- A financial influencer marketing agency
This month I got COVID for the first time. My friend told me she should give me an award for being the only person she knows who avoided getting it for the longest time while also traveling the most. Luckily it was very mild, I got over it quickly and don’t seem to have any lingering effects, but that did mess with my sleep for a few days and made me add this sick emoji to my chart to cap off 2024.
I’m really impressed with myself this month. Despite it being the holidays with delicious treats everywhere, I ate keto for 81% of the month and only took 6 days off keto. I was able to reach a record of 30 lbs lost this year and finally found a food balance that makes me feel good while I also eat my way across the world.
I finished 2024 strong! I had the goal of running more in 2024 than in 2023 and I did it despite all of the setbacks this year that I’ve talked about in previous posts, combined with the many freezing days I experienced this month along with the ice, snow and COVID that came with it. But I did it!
So it’s time for my favorite segment: Fun Facts Nobody Asked For! Here’s what I learned and explored this month:
The Holidays
- This month I learned that male and female Reindeer have antlers and that a set of antlers are called “racks”.
- The song “The 12 Days Of Christmas” was first published in 1780 and some people speculate that all the items mentioned in the song (not just the obvious ones) might also be birds. I don’t know if this is just a result of our wild birder brains, but in looking into this possibility I learned some weird things about birds that I did not know and will list in the bird section below. Though this possibility would also mean they ate all these birds…
December is when the Geminid Meteor Shower happens, which I’ve been lucky enough to see in previous years, but this year it was cloudy on all of the peak days of the shower. Oh well 🙂 . Hopefully I can see it again next year.
On a positive astronomical note, I got to see all of the Planets that were in the sky during clear nights (specifically Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune) as well as the Cold Moon and the last Major Lunar Standstill until 2043.
This month was pretty bird-filled, which I love 🙂 . Here are some of the birds I saw this month:
Bald Eagle, Dark Eyed Junco, Red-Tailed Hawk, Tufted Titmouse, Northern Cardinal, American Robin, Canada Goose, Black-Capped Chickadee, House Wren, Blue Jay, Carolina Wren, American Crow, Eurasian Nuthatch, Pileated Woodpecker, Great Blue Heron
Now let’s get back to the 12 Days Of Christmas 🙂 . Here are what people speculate all the days are about if they’re all birds. I’ve included the ones obvious in the song in parentheses:
- (A Partridge in a Pear Tree)
- (Two Turtle Doves)
- (Three French Hens)
- (Four Calling Birds)
- Five Golden Rings: Ring-necked pheasants because they have white rings around their necks
- (Six Geese A-Laying)
- (Seven Swans A-Swimming)
- Eight Maids-A-Milking: Doves and pigeons apparently produce milk to feed their young. WHAT?!
- Nine Ladies Dancing: Northern Lapwing or Cormorant based on their dancing courting displays
- Ten Lords A-Leaping: Grey Herons because of their leaping bird dance
- Eleven Drummers Drumming: Common Snipe because they make a drum sound as a courtship display
- Twelve Pipers Piping: Common Sandpiper because of their piping call as they take flight
So I have no idea if these were all intended to be birds sneakily 245 years ago, but I learned some fun things along the way so I’m calling that a win 🙂 .
My creativity this month went well…and it kind of had to 🙂 . I’m just happy that I was able to write enough in advance that I didn’t feel overwhelmed having 48 hours between posts on Tuesday and Thursday.
I was also able to keep up with your lovely comments and even post a little on Instagram. So all in all, I’m calling this month a success!
My emotions this month were really good especially in the face of getting COVID and the early sunsets, lack of sunshine and the cold. I’ve found that my moods are often influenced by the weather and as a result, I have kept my life in areas that are 65F and sunny, but I’m happy to see that even in less than ideal weather, if people that I love surround me – I’m still happy 🙂 .
This month I hit another all-time high net worth of $912,942.85 and ended the year like this:
And to wrap up the year, I recapped every dollar I made, every cent I spent and all my money moves for 2024 below:
- How I Made $5,344 While Retired In 2024
- How I Lived On $21,499 As A Global Nomad In 2024
- 2024 Financial Review: Investment Withdrawals, Dividends And Roth Conversions
And that’s what I got up to in the last month of 2024! It was a wonderful time overall filled with Christmas celebrations, niblings and lots of people I love (gross 😉 ).
I’m excited to chill in NY State for a hot second before embarking on my adventures for 2025 (Spoiler: 🇯🇵🇳🇿🇺🇸🇵🇪🇬🇧🏴🏴🇮🇸). Until next time!
If you’re interested in the other weekly and monthly retirement updates I’ve written, they’re all here:
Weekly (2020)
- Early Retirement Week 1: The Freak Out
- Early Retirement Week 2: The Vacation
- Early Retirement Week 3: The Whiplash
- Early Retirement Week 4: The Heartbeat
- Early Retirement Week 5: The Election
- Early Retirement Week 6: The Trophy
- Early Retirement Week 7: The Train
- Early Retirement Week 8: The Challenge
- Early Retirement Week 9: The Question
- Early Retirement Week 10: The Game
- Early Retirement Week 11: The Recharge
- Early Retirement Week 12: The Holiday
Monthly (2021)
- The Month Of Rest: Early Retirement Month 4 (January 2021)
- The Month Of Birds: Early Retirement Month 5 (February 2021)
- The Month of Change: Early Retirement Month 6 (March 2021)
- The Month of Atlanta: Early Retirement Month 7 (April 2021)
- The Month of Portland, Maine: Early Retirement Month 8 (May 2021)
- The Month Of New Hampshire: Early Retirement Month 9 (June 2021)
- The Month Of The Northeast: Early Retirement Month 10 (July 2021)
- The Month Of New York State: Early Retirement Month 11 (August 2021)
- The Month Of City Hopping: Early Retirement Month 12 (September 2021)
- The Month Of The Southwest USA: October 2021 Recap
- The Month Of Santa Fe: November 2021 Recap
- The Month Of Family: December 2021 Recap
Monthly (2022)
- The Month Of Freezing My Balls Off: January 2022 Recap
- The Month Of Thailand: February 2022 Recap
- The Month Of Spring(?): March 2022 Recap
- The Month Of México: April 2022 Recap
- The Month of Mérida: May 2022 Recap
- The Month of Seattle: June 2022 Recap
- The Month of Washington State: July 2022 Recap
- The Month Of New Hampshire: August 2022 Recap
- The Month Of Maine: September 2022 Recap
- The Month Of Acadia: October 2022 Recap
- The Month Of Argentina: November 2022 Recap
- The Month Of Holiday Cheer: December 2022 Recap
Monthly (2023)
- The Month Of Snow: January 2023
- The Month Of New Hampshire: February 2023
- The Month Of Sea: March 2023
- The Month Of California: April 2023
- The Month Of Seattle: May 2023
- The Month Of Chicago: June 2023
- The Month Of Montréal: July 2023
- The Month Of Troy, NY: August 2023
- The Month Of Australia: September 2023
- The Month Of New Zealand: October 2023
- The Month Of Puerto Vallarta: November 2023
- The Month Of Warmth: December 2023
Monthly (2024)
- The Month Of Family: January 2024 Recap
- The Month Of Costa Rica: February 2024 Recap
- The Month Of San José: March 2024 Recap
- The Month Of The Solar Eclipse: April 2024 Recap
- The Month Of Arizona: May 2024 Recap
- The Month Of Upstate NY: June 2024 Recap
- The Month Of Montréal: July 2024 Recap
- The Month Of Canada: August 2024 Recap
- The Month Of Iceland: September 2024 Recap
- The Month Of Switzerland & Italy: October 2024 Recap
- The Month Of Amsterdam: November 2024 Recap
What’s a fun fact you learned this month?
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Sounds like a fantastic month! Lots of good things in there. And if you’re going to get COVID, now’s the time, it’s evolved to be super mild for the vast majority of people.
I know net worths shift with the market, but that high of over 900k is awfully close to a cool 1 million. Who’d have thought, huh? I assume things are going to cool off at some point in the next few years (though who knows), but you might be a millionaire before you’re 40!
Indeed it was 🙂 . And fair enough – I didn’t even think it was COVID at first because it was so mild. And yeah the market is wild – with only average returns in retirement I’ll be a millionaire at 41 so we’ll see if before 40 is possible 😉 .
We are happy to have you back in upstate! Happy 2025!!
Thank you! Happy 2025!!
The homebase bit is something I think about too for when I FIRE, I may just end up subletting my apartment while I travel. Not looking forward to applying for an EU visa but I think it should be valid for a couple of years. Enjoy Japan! I’m heading to Tokyo and Hakodate in Hokkaido next month.
I also might be in those places next month👀. Feel free to email me at purple (at) apurplelife.com if you want to meet up for coffee if our schedules align. Enjoy!
So you can’t enter the UK unless you have a phone that’s new enough to run their visa app?! I really dislike this trend of forcing people to own a smartphone to participate in society.
I have an older Pixel version that doesn’t have NFC. The battery life is still pretty good, and I want to keep it as long as possible. It’s helpful (though annoying) to know I’ll have to upgrade if I plan on traveling to the UK any time soon.
Bonus trivia about reindeer: Male reindeer shed their antlers in winter, but female reindeer keep theirs. So if you see Santa’s sleigh being pulled by reindeer with antlers, you know those are all girls!
Basically yeah. It sucks.
Re: reindeer – that’s super interesting! My Partner’s parents showed us that silly movie Red One and all Santa’s reindeer are girls in that. I thought it was a throw away joke, but I guess they did at least some research 🤣.
Brexit sucks!
True story.
Happy 2025! I FIRE retired in August at 57 because of your story and others like yours. We are about the same net worth. I have a paid off home and spend thriftily; however, when do you finally say, “I’m good where I am?” I am wondering if I need a part-time job, or something, but I am never going back into PR/Marketing – that is for sure. Thanks for giving me hope.
Happy 2025 and Congratulations!!! That’s amazing. RE: Extra money in retirement – That’s up to you. I never intended to make money in retirement, but I have been accidentally making a few thousand doing things I did for free for years. It’s your call. Thank you for reading.
Take your time, Sharon. I don’t think you need the money, but it may take some time to get used to that idea. And who knows, maybe some fun parttime gig comes your way anyway.
Hey Purple love the article. How did you get the Pixel 8a for $299 with Google Fi? Did you trade in your old phone? When I looked it up it looks like its $499 now.
Hi – thank you. No – I didn’t trade my old one in (it’s so old they wouldn’t accept it lol) and if I had I wouldn’t have subtracted that from the price I paid. They had a promo on all their Google phones that ended recently.
Know I fondly read all your posts. But commenting in English is sometimes a bit of a hassle. Please keep on writing.
Nice to hear you like oliebollen. What is this weird proud feeling if someone likes a piece of your country’s (eating) culture? It’s like an acceptance I didn’t know I needed.
Thank you for telling me that! I really appreciate it. Though feel free to comment in Dutch instead if you want 😉 – or not at all if you prefer. That’s cool too. And yeah it’s great to share wonderful things from your home that other people enjoy. It’s a great feeling.
I enjoy reading your posts and updates. It is really nice to keep reading about what life is like after FIRE, so I’m glad you have kept posting.
I hope the new ad network works out, but I just wanted to mention that the ads have really multiplied in the last week or so.
Thank you – that’s one of the reasons I keep posting and I’m happy to hear it’s appreciated. And thank you for letting me know! I was told that the ads will “settle down” in a few days, but if they’re still annoying in the future please feel free to let me know.