Welcome to another installment of exploring what’s inside my head during the first few weeks of retirement! You’ve been warned 😉 … Continue reading “Early Retirement Week 2: The Vacation”
Author: A Purple Life
Celebrating 5 Years With Republic Wireless: A Comprehensive Review
In 2015 I decided to pursue financial independence. I wanted the freedom to do whatever I wanted without the stress of wondering if those things could pay my bills. Continue reading “Celebrating 5 Years With Republic Wireless: A Comprehensive Review”
Early Retirement Week 1: The Freak Out
Here is a sampling of the thoughts that have been swirling around my head the past week: Continue reading “Early Retirement Week 1: The Freak Out”
My First (And Last) Corporate Exit Interview
Surprise! I’m going to interrupt our regularly scheduled Tuesday posts to give you this bonus ‘episode’ that details my first and last exit interview. And no, just because I’m retired, that does not mean I’m doubling up my posting schedule – we’re still sticking to every Tuesday. Don’t be greedy 😉 . But if at times I’m too excited to sit on something you may get an extra post here or there…no promises though 🙂 . I’m still all about that #SlugLife.
Continue reading “My First (And Last) Corporate Exit Interview”
What It’s Like Flying Cross Country During A Pandemic
I used to fly about every 3 months and since we moved across the country from our family, most of those have been cross country flights. In fact, after living in Seattle for a year, I no longer classified a 6 hour plane ride as a “long” flight – it started to seem normal and closer flights were “short” and only international flights were “long.” Brains are weird and fascinating.
Continue reading “What It’s Like Flying Cross Country During A Pandemic”
My Last Day Of Corporate Work: Stepping Into The Light
It happened. Yesterday was my last day of corporate work. Continue reading “My Last Day Of Corporate Work: Stepping Into The Light”
What’s It Like Living In A Monthly Airbnb?
We’ve lived in AirBnBs for 2 months now and I’m happy to declare that it is even more awesome than I expected. If you read my massive post about how it felt to get rid of all my stuff before we became nomads, you know that I like things to be exactly my way 😉 . Continue reading “What’s It Like Living In A Monthly Airbnb?”
What If Everyone Stopped Being Fake At Work?
I would like to take this opportunity to complain about work before I am no longer qualified to do so 😉 . To begin: I fully acknowledge that this post makes me sound like an emotionless automaton…and I’m fine with that 🙂 . Continue reading “What If Everyone Stopped Being Fake At Work?”