As I mentioned in my last post, I accepted my first affiliate relationship when I agreed to be a beta for my friend Julie’s blogging course. I originally agreed to be a part of the course to support her and because I have seen that everything she creates is valuable, but I didn’t expect this one-off support of a friend to change my core thoughts about my blog. Continue reading “Why I’ve Decided To Monetize My Blog”
Author: A Purple Life
Review: Blogging Course By Gold City Ventures
I wrote this blog privately for three and a half years to catalog my journey to financial independence. Last year, one of my goals was to put myself out there more and stop being a lurker in the community, so I went to my second personal finance meet up ever. I had no idea that meet up would change my life. Continue reading “Review: Blogging Course By Gold City Ventures”
Why I’m An Unproductivity Advocate
I am sitting on my couch with a book perched on my lap and a YNAB blanket wrapped around my legs (#swag). Every 15 minutes or so I look up and out my apartment windows to see what new wildlife I can spot.
The usual suspects include a cute green hummingbird (I’ve named him George), blue jays, black-capped chickadees, ravens and squirrels. The Space Needle and the Seattle skyline chill in the distance. I’ve been in this spot for six hours and it’s been absolutely glorious. Continue reading “Why I’m An Unproductivity Advocate”
Jobs Suck Because They’re Never-Ending Group Projects
There are only a few two word phrases that would strike fear into my school-aged heart. As for the overall winner, it’s a hard choice between “pop quiz” and “group project.” Actually, who am I kidding, group project wins. Continue reading “Jobs Suck Because They’re Never-Ending Group Projects”
The Benefits Of Urban Neighbors
Growing up I never had real ‘neighbors’ – people you lean on and hang out with and form a community with. There were a few children in our cul-de-sac that we played with on occasion or watched a movie with, but those times were few and far between. Continue reading “The Benefits Of Urban Neighbors”
15 Months To Retirement: Exploring The Many Different Kinds Of Stress
This is a continuation of my monthly series that records what’s happening in my final stretch to early retirement. If you’re interested in previous posts, they’re here.
I’ve found myself slipping on my goals recently – specifically my food goals. I’ve been going over my calories, carbs and alcohol units and I started reflecting on why. At first, this reflection was actually more of an ambush with me berating myself for straying from the beaten path (which was dumb and I wouldn’t recommend to anyone). Continue reading “15 Months To Retirement: Exploring The Many Different Kinds Of Stress”
How To Stay Motivated On The Path To Financial Independence
If you’re on the road to financial Independence, you’ve encountered this unfortunate, but undeniable truth: It’s mostly a long and tedious slog. While discovering you can save enough so you don’t need to work anymore is a battle won in and of itself, the length of the ‘war’ in front of you can be daunting. For some of us, we are working towards a goal 10, 15 or even 20 years in the future. Continue reading “How To Stay Motivated On The Path To Financial Independence”
16 Months To Retirement: Discovering Cracks In My Favorite Company
This is a continuation of my monthly series that records what’s happening in my final stretch to early retirement. If you’re interested in previous posts, they’re here.
Let’s start with a quote from the documentary The Dark Knight:
“You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain.”
This quote from Batman popped into my head not referring to myself becoming a villain (or am I?!), but in reference to recent discoveries I’ve made about my current company. I’ve been at my job for a shocking (for me) 2.5 years. My longest stint previously was 1 year and 11 months at one company though I had two completely different jobs during that time.
Continue reading “16 Months To Retirement: Discovering Cracks In My Favorite Company”