So I have always had trouble sleeping. And given that this pattern has continued for over 30 years, I assumed that this was just an unavoidable trait of mine. I’ve always had trouble quieting my racing brain enough to get to sleep and then had trouble staying asleep throughout the night. Continue reading “From Insomnia To Sleeping Like A Baby: How I Improved My Sleep In Early Retirement”
Category: Early Retirement
Purple’s Partner Spills All!: Answering Your Questions & Concerns
I have a surprise for y’all today. For several years I’ve been asked questions about my partner and I’ve done my best to answer them after asking him for his opinions. However, after y’all enjoyed when he wrote his first blog post here about making awesome coffee anywhere in the world, I asked him to tackle your questions himself 🙂 . So back by popular demand, here is my partner answering the questions you submitted on Instagram and Twitter. Take it away my dude! Continue reading “Purple’s Partner Spills All!: Answering Your Questions & Concerns”
The Month of Washington State: July 2022 Recap
Well, 2022 continues to barrel through time at a break-neck pace. Another month down and I need to start thinking about more seriously about the broad strokes of my travel in 2023. Oh the problems of retirees 🙂 . In the meantime, let’s see what I got up to in July!
Continue reading “The Month of Washington State: July 2022 Recap”
Show Me The Money: All My Financial Info & Answering Y’all’s Questions
Perception is funny. I am (obviously) “me” so I know the answer to all the questions about my finances people ask me every week on Twitter or Instagram. I’ve also written about all of these topics on this very blog, but that’s over 7+ years of posts so they’re spaced out across almost decade. My bad 🙂 . Well, this is an effort to put all that knowledge in one place. Continue reading “Show Me The Money: All My Financial Info & Answering Y’all’s Questions”
The Month of Seattle: June 2022 Recap
2022 is half over…which is strange since my brain still seems stuck in 2020. Oh well. This month we headed back to the States for the first time in several months only for the supreme court to overturn Roe v Wade and take us back 50 years…Welcome back to America I guess.
The Month of Mérida: May 2022 Recap
I keep writing the date as March instead of May in case you’re wondering how my perception of time has been affected by retirement 🙂 . So let’s see what I got up to in May (not March!).
The Month Of México: April 2022 Recap
Ok – seriously, how is 2022 1/3 over? Traveling internationally has seriously made this year fly by. I need to recalibrate 🙂 . Anyway, after our month in Thailand, we hung out in the northeast that was flirting with spring before heading to our next adventure: México! Let’s see what I got up to this month 🙂 .
The Month Of Spring(?): March 2022 Recap
We’re back in the Northeast USA! After a month in Thailand, I landed in NYC, went to Connecticut for a hot second, and have been bopping around New York State, Massachusetts and Vermont ever since. It’s been a wild time – mostly because of the weather. It’s gone from a sub-zero snowpocalypse to 65 and sunny and back in the Northeast. I’m getting whiplash 🙂 .