How Being A Nomad Helps Reinforce What’s Actually Important

Life can be a bit of a nightmare 🙂 . And it’s in those hard times that we (myself included) cling to comfort items. Personally , I wrapped myself in my softest and fluffiest blanket and drank tea out of my favorite mug. It was my version of a Louboutin shoe – you get a peak of red depending on what’s in the cup 😉 . Continue reading “How Being A Nomad Helps Reinforce What’s Actually Important”

The Month Of Portland, Maine: Early Retirement Month 8 (May 2021)

Hello party people! We’re legit into our nomad life now and have moved to the northeast 🙂 . It’s been a wild ride overall and despite feeling like I’m just chilling and napping 90% of the time, it seems like I got up to a few things in May. Let’s see what happened!

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Things You Don’t Actually Have To Worry About In Retirement

In today’s episode of “Things I’ve Spent Too Long Worrying About That Don’t Matter” I bring you: my revelations of what you do not actually have to worry about in retirement. I am in no way an expert on…well…anything (obviously 😉 ), but based on my almost 8 months of experience, here’s what I’ve got. I hope that knowing about my experience can save you some mental time on your journey. Continue reading “Things You Don’t Actually Have To Worry About In Retirement”

The Month Of Atlanta: Early Retirement Month 7 (April 2021)

I mentioned in a recent post that I self-named April the month of optimism and I’ve maintained that thought through the end of the month. I am a pessimist at heart and 2020 challenged even my sense of what a hellscape could look like, but I’m currently feeling…hopeful 🙂 . Let’s see why:

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Is Retirement Everything I Dreamed? A 6 Month Check-In

The journey to financial independence is the opposite of a get rich quick scheme. It is indeed a get rich slow scheme, which is a lot less sexy I hear 🙂 . However, one of the benefits of the “slow and steady wins the race” perspective that aiming for FIRE provides, is that it gives ample time to think about what you want post-retirement life to look like. Continue reading “Is Retirement Everything I Dreamed? A 6 Month Check-In”

The Month Of Change: Early Retirement Month 6 (March 2021)

Well, somehow March is already over. I must admit I was holding my breath after the hellscape that was March 2020, but am happy to report that March 2021 was lightyears better. Let’s get into how 🙂 !

Continue reading “The Month Of Change: Early Retirement Month 6 (March 2021)”

The Month Of Birds: Early Retirement Month 5 (February 2021)

Another month of early retirement down and another intro where I express disbelief that time is flying so fast 🙂 . 2021 also seems to be going by faster than 2020, but maybe that’s because I’m used to pandemic quarantine life now…or maybe I’m just inviting the gods to prove me wrong in March – Please no 🙂 ! Anyway, fingers crossed this March is lightyears better than the last one. In the meantime, let’s get into what I got up to last month.

Continue reading “The Month Of Birds: Early Retirement Month 5 (February 2021)”

From Frugal To Fuck It: The Evolution Of My Thoughts On Spending Money

I always assumed that my thoughts on spending money would remain stagnant, like my thoughts on marriage or having kids. However, it turns out that my view of spending has evolved almost as much as my thoughts on time. Continue reading “From Frugal To Fuck It: The Evolution Of My Thoughts On Spending Money”