I Refuse

I look around and see no one with the life I want. I refuse to live 45 years of my life like this. Following the instructions of a faceless company and an alarm clock. Having my company tell me when and how often I can see my family. Having a certain number of days when I do not have to be in a cubicle. Feeling stress over creating ads no one wants to see. Attending award shows created by the people who want to win the awards – a circlejerk. Pretending I care if a spam email deployed a day later than we said it would. Feeling stress that this ‘mistake’ will reflect poorly on me – even for a second. Pretending any of this matters: title, social status, perceived wealth.

I refuse for this to be my life. So I’m changing it.

$100,000 in Assets

As of February 26, 2016 at 26 I now have $100,000 in assets. It seems like a special number and I’ve been excited for this milestone for a while. 1.5 years ago I was wandering aimlessly, spending money frivolously (I think), but not enough by American consumerist standards. I had accidentally accumulated $50,000 in assets – mostly in my 401K, which had been compounding behind the scenes.

Now I am here with $100,000 and I can’t even believe it. On to $1,000,000 :).

2015 Spending

Let’s look at the explosion that was my 2015 spending. Overall I spent about $30,000 which isn’t too bad since I was living the high life in NYC for half the year, but improvements can still be made. Removing the cost of our luxurious Fiji vacation and the costs of our cross country move would bring my 2015 spending to $21,840.

Continue reading “2015 Spending”

Frugality and Weight Management Part II

Something strange has happened. I was reading through my previous posts to see to help reminisce about the year and what I’ve accomplished and I read my post about “Frugality and Weight Management” and how it seemed they went hand in hand. I started laughing while reading it because I felt so differently now. Continue reading “Frugality and Weight Management Part II”

Transition Complete: NYC to Seattle

It’s been a while. A little over two months since I’ve last written. It’s been a wild ride. I am now sitting in an office completing my fifth week of work with the best client and team I’ve ever had. We are almost fully moved into our apartment. All that is left is putting paintings on the wall.
Continue reading “Transition Complete: NYC to Seattle”

401K vs. NYC Taxes

As you know, I have now maxed my 401K in six months of living in NYC to decrease my large state and city tax bill before we move. But I’ve been wondering how much money in state and city taxes I have saved by maxing this before I leave and how much of federal taxes have I saved by simply maxing this account. Continue reading “401K vs. NYC Taxes”

Dividends & My More Successful Twin

I now have more money saved than my current annual salary. In essence, I have someone that is as qualified and driven as me working for me full time. I now essentially have another Purple running around working even harder than I am to make money. Over time this money-made Purple will far outpace my ability to make money. And I couldn’t be more proud of her. I think of LinkedIn as a digital resume that is constantly knocking on doors asking who wants to hire me. And now I have a monetary twin who is constantly working to make me richer. Continue reading “Dividends & My More Successful Twin”