Is My Nomadic Life Immune To Inflation?

So I know inflation is wild at the moment – or at least wilder than we’re used to in the US. However, there is a difference between what the Consumer Price Index (CPI) says the inflation amount is and my costs, since I don’t buy a lot of things the CPI mentions. Continue reading “Is My Nomadic Life Immune To Inflation?”

The Month Of Holiday Cheer: December 2022 Recap

And just like that, 2022 was at an end… Weird 🙂 . 2022 was filled with so much travel, food and fun that it seemed to fly by. Years used to feel a bit infinite, but now they’re whizzing past. I’m glad I have these posts to look back on and remember what I did with that time 🙂 . So let’s see what I got up to during the last month of 2022!

Continue reading “The Month Of Holiday Cheer: December 2022 Recap”

How I Lived On $16,930 As A Global Nomad In 2022

Now this is a surprise. My goal for 2022 was to spend $21,200 based on my inflationary increase from last year and instead I unintentionally spent $16,929.93, 20% below target or 4/5 of what I planned on spending. Continue reading “How I Lived On $16,930 As A Global Nomad In 2022”

How I Made $9,621 While Retired In 2022

So let’s talk about something fun, the surprising amount of money I made in retirement. It’s surprising because outside of dividends, I expected this amount to be $0 after I quit my job in October 2020 to retire at 30. But like a lot of things in life, I was wrong 🙂 . Let’s get into it! Continue reading “How I Made $9,621 While Retired In 2022”

How I Saved $44,667 With Travel Hacking In 2022

Shockingly, that title is not a click bait-and-switch, but it is inflated by fancy international flights 🙂 . These palaces in the sky are one of the parts of travel that my Mom loves most and I’m so happy that after shelling out $7,000 for a 1/3 off Emirates First Class ticket in 2012, I discovered the wonder of travel hacking, which has allowed us to fly in these wild cabins for almost free. Continue reading “How I Saved $44,667 With Travel Hacking In 2022”

The Year Of Spanish: 2022 Goals & Accomplishments

Throughout the year, I like to jot down new things I’ve learned, read, watched and experienced to try and remember what each year entailed. I then summarize all of that in my annual goals and accomplishments posts. The goal of these posts is not just to curate what I’ve been up to, but also to document how I have changed from one year to the next and how I’ve grown as a person. Continue reading “The Year Of Spanish: 2022 Goals & Accomplishments”

The Month Of Argentina: November 2022 Recap

As the title suggests, I spent this month in Argentina! It’s the farthest south I’ve ever been in the world. As a comparison, Buenos Aires has a similar longitude to Sydney, Australia as well as Auckland, New Zealand and Cape Town, South Africa. Continue reading “The Month Of Argentina: November 2022 Recap”

Slow Travel Review: Buenos Aires, Argentina – The Land Of Nature and Architecture

Up to this point in my life, I haven’t had the pleasure of exploring a lot of South America. I spent two weeks in Ecuador in 2018 and went to Aruba once in college, but that’s it. One of my best friends is from Argentina and moved back after the first year of my career. I hadn’t seen her in person since. So we set out to change that! Continue reading “Slow Travel Review: Buenos Aires, Argentina – The Land Of Nature and Architecture”