The Month Of Portland, Maine: Early Retirement Month 8 (May 2021)

Hello party people! We’re legit into our nomad life now and have moved to the northeast 🙂 . It’s been a wild ride overall and despite feeling like I’m just chilling and napping 90% of the time, it seems like I got up to a few things in May. Let’s see what happened!

Continue reading “The Month Of Portland, Maine: Early Retirement Month 8 (May 2021)”

The Month Of Change: Early Retirement Month 6 (March 2021)

Well, somehow March is already over. I must admit I was holding my breath after the hellscape that was March 2020, but am happy to report that March 2021 was lightyears better. Let’s get into how 🙂 !

Continue reading “The Month Of Change: Early Retirement Month 6 (March 2021)”

The Meta-Weirdness Of Making Money From A FIRE Blog In Retirement

I’m here to tell you the real truth. FIRE Blogging is a scam. It’s the only way to ‘retire early’ and I know the secret of how you can do it too! Continue reading “The Meta-Weirdness Of Making Money From A FIRE Blog In Retirement”

Lessons Learned After 6 Years Of Blog Writing

Surprise! It’s been exactly six years since I started my journey to financial independence and started writing this blog (though I only took it public July 2018). Today I want to celebrate by reflecting on anything new I’ve learned in the last year since my 5 year anniversary post Continue reading “Lessons Learned After 6 Years Of Blog Writing”

Early Retirement Week 8: The Challenge

This week was tough for reasons I totally created myself 🙂 . That’s the fun thing about retirement – if a week is hard and you chose to do all the things that leave you tired, you have no one to blame but yourself…and luckily I’m fine with that 😉 .
Continue reading “Early Retirement Week 8: The Challenge”

Early Retirement Week 6: The Trophy

Welcome to Week 6 of my early retirement journey! If you want to catch up with previous weeks, they’re here. It’s starting to settle in that this might be my actual life instead of a strange extra-long vacation 🙂 . Let’s get into it!

Continue reading “Early Retirement Week 6: The Trophy”

Early Retirement Week 5: The Election

Last week we tackled reader questions about my first month of early retirement and this week, we’re back to our regularly scheduled programming of seeing what I am up to each week of retirement. Did I insert that AMA post so I’d have more time to craft these posts after the week is done? Maybe 😉 . Continue reading “Early Retirement Week 5: The Election”

Early Retirement Month 1: Ask Me Anything

I love answering y’alls burning questions so I put out the call on Twitter and Instagram to see what inquiries you had for me to answer while celebrating my first month of retirement! Continue reading “Early Retirement Month 1: Ask Me Anything”