I Love My New Job

It’s that simple. I love my new job. Each job I have seems to get better and better. Thank you universe. I’ve been trying to put my finger on why it’s so amazing.

Is it because of my client? Not really – she’s nice, but demands a lot and is difficult to read.

Is it because of the work I’m doing? Kind of – it’s not creating ads or adding to the gross manipulation of the marketing industry. Instead I’m thinking of ways to get people to work better together and helping advance my client’s career. I’m basically a ghost employee for a tech giant.

So what is it about? Continue reading “I Love My New Job”

Extending My Timeline to 2022: I Don’t Hate My Job

In my 2016 State of the Union post I mentioned that I’ve changed my FIRE timeline twice in the past year. Last January I ran the numbers and decided that no matter what I was retiring on the eve on my 30th birthday in October of 2019. To accomplish this I decided that I would live on $14,000 a year, which is $4,000 less than my projected annual spend based on my current living situation ($18,000). I discovered and researched a large list of side hustles that could bring this minimal amount of income to make up the difference and discovered that that same $4,000 is what I usually spend on opulent vacations – which I assume I’ll need less of when my entire life is a vacation. Continue reading “Extending My Timeline to 2022: I Don’t Hate My Job”

Integrity > Money

I was laid off from my job after a little less than a year. I was strangely ecstatic about this fact. I literally called that it was going to happen and was looking for another job so I could comfortably quit when it happened. I was surprised to learn that I would also receive 1 week of severance pay…with a catch. I would have to sign a gag order and never say anything negative about Company 5, their holding company or anyone that has ever worked there or Company 5 could sue me. I asked if the agreement could be edited and the head of HR ignored me until I was able to confront her in person. I was told she could not edit the agreement. So I told her I would not be signing anything. She looked surprised. Continue reading “Integrity > Money”

I Refuse

I look around and see no one with the life I want. I refuse to live 45 years of my life like this. Following the instructions of a faceless company and an alarm clock. Having my company tell me when and how often I can see my family. Having a certain number of days when I do not have to be in a cubicle. Feeling stress over creating ads no one wants to see. Attending award shows created by the people who want to win the awards – a circlejerk. Pretending I care if a spam email deployed a day later than we said it would. Feeling stress that this ‘mistake’ will reflect poorly on me – even for a second. Pretending any of this matters: title, social status, perceived wealth.

I refuse for this to be my life. So I’m changing it.

Why I Want to Retire

I want retire because my life is working (workdays) and recovering from working (weeknights and weekends). There is no room in that cycle for the life I want. And perhaps it is my fault for choosing a career where I interact with people all day that completely drains my introverted core – and at rare times invigorates me with creativity. But it’s also what I’m good at. It’s well paid work that doesn’t involve extra schooling or skills.

So I want to retire. I want to see what I can get up to when my life is not a cycle of drain and recovery. That’s all.

How Quickly We Forget

I was recently on vacation for Thanksgiving. I took a whopping two days off and tacked it onto the long weekend we were given for the holiday. Usually it takes me about a week to decompress from work – even not particularly stressful work (or as not particularly stressful as Ad Agencies can be anyway). In that time I have to remember how to relax and what I enjoy and by the time I do the vacation is over. Continue reading “How Quickly We Forget”

Last Day of Work, First Day of Funemployment

It’s official: I’ve quit my job and given my apartment notice. As of right now I have no job and will no longer be welcome in my apartment at the end of this month. We are moving across the country to a city my partner has never visited. The only place on the West Coast he has been was San Diego, CA which is the southern tip of the West Coast while Seattle is the northern tip. Continue reading “Last Day of Work, First Day of Funemployment”

The Perfect Job: Still Not Enough

Since I joined the workforce I’ve kept lists of what I enjoy and don’t enjoy in each job I’ve had. From these lists I’ve created the profile of what I thought would be my ideal job in advertising: flexible, constantly challenging with a boss I love and limited human interaction. I now have that job. I have had it for almost a year. And I am still not satisfied. I don’t know what it is about work that makes me analyze my satisfaction with it at every turn. Maybe because the general public seem to think ‘work’ is what you do for 40-50 years of your life. Other parts of life do not last that long: high school, college – all previous steps were 4 years long. Now that 4 has turned into 40. Continue reading “The Perfect Job: Still Not Enough”