Should I Lock Myself Into Quitting My Job In 11 Months?

This is a continuation of my monthly series that records what’s happening in my final stretch to early retirement. If you’re interested in previous posts, they’re here.

The time has come: IT’S DECISION TIME. I need to decide if next month I will book my month long trip to New Zealand and Australia for October 2020. My Mom and I are working on her goal of experiencing palaces in the sky by using travel hacking to book the Etihad First Class Apartments for our flight from Down Under. Check it out: Continue reading “Should I Lock Myself Into Quitting My Job In 11 Months?”

Reflections On Turning 30: From Job Seeker To Corporate Deserter In 10 Years

I’m currently in Mexico celebrating turning 30 years old. I’m sitting here watching the sun set against an orange and purple sky while listening to the lapping of the ocean waves. During this week of relaxation I’ve found myself thinking back to who I was 10 years ago, at age 20, and how so much has changed in the last decade. Continue reading “Reflections On Turning 30: From Job Seeker To Corporate Deserter In 10 Years”

Lessons Learned From 100 Alcohol Free Days

I mentioned briefly in my latest quarterly budget check in that I decided to give up alcohol for 100 days. After successfully completing Dry January at the beginning of the year, I found myself slipping back into old habits: turning to a glass of wine after a hard day at work and feeling like that was my only relief from the anxiety of the day. Continue reading “Lessons Learned From 100 Alcohol Free Days”

12 Months To Retirement: Recognition & Combating Self-Doubt

This is a continuation of my monthly series that records what’s happening in my final stretch to early retirement. If you’re interested in previous posts, they’re here:

A few months ago I was tottering along with my life of work, play and blogging when this happened: Continue reading “12 Months To Retirement: Recognition & Combating Self-Doubt”

Balancing Overthinking And Apathy At Work

I have a dilemma that I’d like your help solving. But first, I need to set the stage. I’ve always been a bit of a perfectionist. I actually gave myself ulcers in high school from studying so hard. It probably didn’t help that I rarely slept more than 6 hours as a result of my mountains of homework combined with time spent studying, working on extracurriculars and commuting 3 hours a day. Continue reading “Balancing Overthinking And Apathy At Work”

13 Months To Retirement: Prioritizing Loved Ones

This is a continuation of my monthly series that records what’s happening in my final stretch to early retirement. If you’re interested in previous posts, they’re here:

So let’s get into it! This month I’m in Atlanta for 3 weeks – working from my Mom and stepdad’s house. I’m currently typing this while sitting in their backyard and listening to birds chirp as the sun slowly rises over the treelined horizon. My Mom is about to join me, but is currently fighting to create a Pinterest-style fruit boat for a potluck she’s attending later today. Suburbia is weird. Continue reading “13 Months To Retirement: Prioritizing Loved Ones”

Why Retire Early? Because Death Is Coming.

Unfortunately I’m no stranger to death. My introduction to the Reaper happened at my father’s funeral – he took his own life when I was 7. During the next 13 years I attended the funerals of 5 close family members…And there weren’t that many of us to begin with. At our peak there were 11 of us. Continue reading “Why Retire Early? Because Death Is Coming.”

Cheers To 1 Year Of Public Blogging: Highs, Lows & What’s Next

It’s late July 2018 and I’m working from my parents’ house in Georgia. At this particular moment, I’m hunched over my laptop in my Mom’s office while my butt starts to fall asleep from sitting in this chair too long. The day has involved an endless gauntlet of conference calls that haven’t allowed me enough time to take a break and stand up, let alone take a quick walk to rejuvenate my behind.
Continue reading “Cheers To 1 Year Of Public Blogging: Highs, Lows & What’s Next”