Contact Me

If you have any questions or comments send me a note or hit me up on social media:
Purple [at]

Note: I do not accept any sponsored posts or unsolicited guest posts. If you send me a pitch email about either you will not receive a response.

Instagram: @APurpleLife

43 thoughts on “Contact Me

  1. Hi APL,
    Nice to meet you through email. My name is EC. I discovered your blog and quickly fell in love with it. Your storytelling skill is superb! I realized we are sharing so many things in common 🙂
    1. I think we are both 28 years old targeting early retirement by 30.
    2. My husband and I also are commit to the childfree forever/ responsibility free life style
    3. We also live in Seattle
    4. I recently start water color painting and love it
    I really appreciate one of your post describing a full time corporate job as constant hanging low stress. I was always wondering why I don’t like normal jobs, even when I am not even that busy or stressed out, and your post explains it. So thank you!
    We are not regular bloggers, although we do have a blog that my husband only post like twice a year 😛

    Are you going to go curry cracker’s meet up on Monday? We plan to go so maybe we can meet in person there.

    1. Hi There! And thank you – that’s so sweet. And wow – we DO have a lot in common! Your blog looks cool – I’ll check it out and look out for that twice annual post 😉 . And yes I’m going to the Monday meet up. Looking forward to meeting y’all there!

  2. Good morning! I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoy reading your blog. It motivates me to continue to invest, to live frugally, and to enjoy the journey as I make my way towards early retirement. Your numbers are impressive! Knowing that another woman is able to achieve what I want gives me the incentive to continue doing what I can to make my own dreams come true. I wish you every success as you pursue FIRE. Thank you again for sharing your story and your journey with the world.

    1. Morning! Thank you so much for telling me! I really appreciate it. So glad I could help motivate you on this long journey 🙂 . That is so nice- thank you so much!!

  3. Hi purple. Just found your blog and like it a lot. I too am planning to retire from full time employment in 6 to 9 months, with an approximate net worth of ~ $500k also. Im shooting for around $550k as I plan to spend 2 years in Japan to study the language. Reading through this site, your financial and personal outlook resonate deeply. Im rooting for you. Ganbatte!

    1. Hi! Thank you- that’s so nice to hear! 6-9 months how exciting! And ooh Japan – I’ve never been. That sounds like an amazing plan. I just looked up Ganbatte and learned my first Japanese word 🙂 . Ganbatte to you as well – please keep me posted on your progress. I’m rooting for you too!

  4. Hi,
    Do you offer advertising space (or article placement) on
    If yes, what would the cost be?

    Steve Marks

  5. Hi Purple,

    I was just catching up on my missed podcast with Jamila and your conversation with her was so good!!!! So many gems, I felt like your tactics were something I could model. I don’t want to deprive myself of a nice lifestyle just to retire early. I especially love to travel and you seem to be the queen of it! Could you create a post of how to get started travel hacking? What you looked for and anymore essentials for a beginner travel-hacker? Truly inspired by your journey

    Looking forward to your response!


    1. Hi DJ – I’m so happy you liked the podcast! Jamila is a great interviewer. I’m obviously with you on not depriving myself just to reach a monetary goal. Thank you for the post suggestion – I’ve added that to my idea queue! So happy I could help inspire 🙂 . I hope you’re having a great day!

  6. Hi A Purple Life!

    Just wondering what your thoughts were regarding health insurance and early retirement. I want to retire in 2025 at the age of 45 but health insurance is a piece of the puzzle I have not figured out.

    Thanks! I really enjoy reading your blog. I am so glad that Joe at Recommended recommended it.

    1. Hi There! My approach to healthcare is pretty unique because of my specific situation (planning to travel around the world indefinitely). For that reason a single US state health plan wouldn’t help me so I’m buying global expat insurance for emergencies and otherwise for planned medical and dental work will be using medical tourism and geo-arbitrage to pay reasonable prices. I don’t know about your specific situation or needs to recommend a path forward, but healthcare is definitely a huge concern in the US. If you want to send me more info about your situation to discuss this further feel free to email me: purple [at]

      So happy you’re enjoying the blog! Who’s Joe 🙂 ?

  7. Hey! Just heard your interview on Choose FI. Thanks so much for sharing your story. I’m feeling inspired 🙂

  8. Hello purple! I just listened to the Choose FI podcast with Brad and Jonathan that you were featured in and loved what you had to say – was also super impressed with your life hacks. I’m on the verge of hopefully moving out to Denver this fall so I was inspired to hear about your cross country move. I had a quick question: did you have any student debt coming out of school? I feel like this is my biggest road block on my way to FI (I graduated with $130K of debt :/). My current monthly payment is 2K which is a large percentage of my monthly income to try to pay it off in 7 years instead of 10. Do you have any suggestions regarding student debt?

    1. Hi – thank you so much! Congratulations on your upcoming move. I was very fortunate that I didn’t have student loans coming out of college. I know that was a huge leg up for my journey. Since I didn’t have any I unfortunately don’t have any suggestions about student debt, but these blogs do if you want to check them out or contact them with questions:,, Good luck!

  9. Hi APL!
    Just found your site through Camp FIRE Finance. Best of luck with your early retirement. I always admire folks like you who have the courage to face the unknown. I am walking my own path, but was able to move from New York City out to Idaho a few years ago. Financially, it has been tough for me, but I still have been able to save and minimize debt. Anyway, I doubt you have zero interest in my life! Keep up the great work and best of luck to you!!!

    1. Hi Victor! That’s super cool – Welcome! And congratulations on your move – that sounds like quite a change – and on still being able to save and kick debt! Thanks so much!!

  10. Hi Purple! Saw your recent post on not renewing your apartment lease. First of all congrats! I know Nomad life will be exciting. I’m hoping to do the same in the next ten years or so and was curious what type of Nomad insurance/health insurance resources you have found as health insurance without being “permanent” in one country domestically or abroad is my biggest question. What does that look like/cost/etc I wonder? Thanks for your awesome content!

    1. Hi John! Thank you 🙂 . That’s so exciting you’re going to be a nomad too. I’m planning to use IMG Global Medical Insurance since I’ll be all over the globe (hopefully) and if not at least in too many states in the US to be on any state plan. Check out their prices and information here: It’s pretty affordable. My annual price will be $1-2K. And thank you for reading it!

  11. Purple! I just wanted to say how happy I am that I found your blog almost six months ago. You’ve not only helped me learn more about the FI movement, but have also inspired me to write an anonymous blog! Thanks for everything you have done and continue to do. You’re truly an inspiring leader in the FI movement. You rock!

    1. Hi! Thank you so much for your comment and that’s amazing to hear I helped inspire you to blog – WOW! I checked it out and your blog is already amazing 🙂 . Thank you for starting it. And you are too kind!!

  12. Hi Purple! Regarding your recent post about domestic “traveling” health insurance, I did a little digging in Washington’s branch of the ACA website. It does indeed look like WA has a few carriers with networks that do not extend outside of the state (ridiculous and annoying), but it does look like one of the options is Kaiser Permanente. While this is not the cheapest option, it does have a national network, and I was able to see in-network primary care providers on their site in both Seattle and Atlanta. I’m assuming you would have to eat the cost of high premiums in your first year of use if it relies on last year’s tax return to calculate your subsidy, but in subsequent years someone with only $20k/yr of income (4% of 500k, your published FI number) should be able to secure a base plan for ~$11/month. It has a high deductible (so you’d basically have to set aside $6k as your “self-insurance”), but you would at least be covered with access to providers nationwide. This isn’t a great plan by any means, but it might be more economical than other options. Hope this helps! Love your blog – you’re doing great work here!

    1. Hi Andrew! Thank you SO much for this information – this is awesome. I’ll look into this Kaiser option. And thank you so much for those kind words – they mean a lot!

  13. I just stumbled upon your site, and i love how you ranked higher than a lot of those big websites with a lot of resources! And, I love when I see people that do their own path in life… Way to many people live their life the way their families or society want, and not what they want themselves. We got one life, you know! I will keep following your journey.

  14. Hey there! Love your journey. I’m curious about some of the website details. To have all social media as APurpleLife do you have an email account under that? And do you have any other social media accounts? I have several I have to keep for work, and the hassle of switching between each on my phone has kept me keeping Twitter for work, and Facebook for home sorta thing. Is there a better solution if using multiple accounts keeping up with your APurpleLife social media? I’m an introvert, but want to share my journey. Part of what I love is the fact you aren’t blasting you name and face, so I’m just curious as to how you set all that up. Thank you for your input.

    1. Hi There – I don’t actually have personal social media that I use so I don’t have a challenge switching between them. I hope you find a way that works for you!

  15. Love the posts 🙂 But how do I sign up to your newsletter to be notified when new posts land? I can’t see it anywhere on your website.

  16. Just found your blog & enjoying it, thanks!
    Saw your income from Ally. You might want to consider moving 6K to Current. Just found them and moved over 6K because they pay 4% interest on your first 6K. $240 of annual income.

  17. Hi APL,

    I just read your recent post on selling investments to fund your retirement. Just wanted to say thanks for putting out such a great guide!

  18. Hello ..A Purple Life Person…just now stumbled upon your blog. In moment I have 75+ years; and, in 1970 at 22 years of age I began exploring what I imagined as the absurdity of the ‘American’ concept of retirement. For over half a century I have manifested such an experience as I have experienced you describe. All along single parenting two beautiful daughters (now in their 50’s), owning property (key to my minimalist equation), continuously traveled the world for 30+ years (have spent 15+ years out of this past 30 years..’on the road’….and continue to do so in this moment.
    Perhaps ? Perhaps no ? …you might imagine a bit of the old ‘back n forth’ a potential resource. If so…I invite you to reach out. Thank you for your time. b

  19. Hi there! I love your blog! What did you use to build this website? I want to create something similar and I dont know where to start?

  20. Hi Purple!!

    Can you please do an update to your “What contributed more?” post?

    I am obsessed with your progress and it is a daily inspiration to me 🙂

    Thank you for everything!

    1. Hi! That’s so kind – thank you. Since I haven’t contributed any money to the market since I quit in 2020 all of the additional gains have been the market 🙂 . I’m not sure how I could either make a whole post about that or update the previous one without it being confusing, but I’ll put on my thinking hat. In the meantime, if you compare my latest Net Worth Update with that post and count the difference as gains that should give you your answer. Thank you for reading!

  21. Hi purple, I’ve always seen that. Americans are very lucky with Singapore airlines on Kris-flyer miles on first class seat and also on your business class seat where you only use a fraction of Kris Flyer miles and only pay peanuts for the taxes. US $27 try $133.45AD This is why I say Americans are lucky country.

  22. My feedback about Grab:
    The amount stated in the Grab app can no longer be relied upon since 2025. Recently, they have started charging a ‘Ride Cover’ insurance, which cannot be switched off in the app, highway tolls and a surcharge for foreigners of 3%. The surprise then comes when the credit card is debited. It is hardly possible to contact Grab anymore. The email address for the help desk has been switched off and the contact form is hard to find on the website. Fairness is different. That’s why I switched to Bolt and inDrive. Fair, much better customer service and cheaper as Grab.

    1. Thank you for that info. I haven’t used Grab in a few years and am sad to hear they’ve gone downhill.

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