Is My Job Turning Me Into A Recluse?

There is one aspect of my work life that has been exacerbated by moving into consulting: always being on call. When I worked at ad agencies it was expected that you were always available. That’s why employers buy or pay for their employee’s cell and data plans. They are paying for your constant availability and ability to be reached. Consulting has been an interesting change. On one hand we have a lot more power than ad agencies: my company specifically has and is completely comfortable with firing clients they do not enjoy working with. Ad agencies would never dare :). However, one of the reasons we’re paid so well is the fact that we are supposed to be always available. Continue reading “Is My Job Turning Me Into A Recluse?”

Literal Blood Money

WARNING: If you don’t want to hear about blood you will not like this story 🙂

I’ve been known to do a few weird things to save money. The most recent one involved bleeding all over our living room. I was perusing the website for my new health insurance (through my job) and noticed something awesome: they offer $100 if I get a blood test and health assessment. To combat my laziness they even send it right to your home. Hmm! Not only did I want the money, but I was also was curious. I have very small veins (there’s your weird fact for the day!) and people literally can’t take my blood. Even the…blood professionals…is that what they’re called? I haven’t had my blood successfully taken since I was in high school and as a result I have no idea what’s going on in there. Continue reading “Literal Blood Money”

Diet Update: 150s!

It’s been 2 years since I’ve seen a one five on the scale. I hit 159 for the first time since the beginning of 2015 and I look completely different. The effect of the whole calories in/calories out starvation diet are really apparently when I look at pictures of myself two years ago and now. I look about 20 lbs fatter two years ago despite having the same scale weight – and I might have been. I’ve been able to retain an insane amount of muscle while getting rid of my fat this year and two years ago it was the opposite. Like my diets before it was clear I was getting skinny fat and my body was eating at my muscle to survive: my weight would decrease, but I’d look even squishier.

But that’s all changed. I’m so excited to reach this milestone and have officially lost almost 20 lbs without hunger and while drinking and living my life normally. It’s insanity. Only 5 lbs to go until I’m finally a normal BMI again. I’m so pumped. Let’s do this!

On Workplace Motivation

Will it though???

I’ve been struggling to understand something for a while: motivation. Specifically the origin of other people’s motivation at the workplace – not just to do a great job (which I also feel), but motivation to work themselves to the bone at the detriment of their health and family for their job without prompting. This isn’t a requirement for them, but they do it anyway. I seriously don’t understand it. Continue reading “On Workplace Motivation”

Tossing Early Retirement and Trading Money for Time

I received a bit of a shock last week. My Mom is applying to jobs. She’s been retired for 2 years and left corporate America at 55 after working 30 years in jobs she hated. I was more shocked to discover she’d been keeping this from me for a while. That was the saddest part. She thought I would yell at her. I didn’t. Continue reading “Tossing Early Retirement and Trading Money for Time”


I’ve always been bad at sleeping. For some reason I think of it as a waste of time. Yes, I know my body needs it to survive and have experienced what I feel like sleep deprived: Horrible :). But my brain still thinks of the (hopefully) eight hours I lay in bed as a waste. Despite most likely running on solar power I almost prefer the night. It’s so still and empty of people :). Finally quiet enough to think and reflect. It’s when I’m most inspired and alert. Going to sleep right when I start feeling that at night seems like a waste of time and by extension my life. Sadly there’s no way around it. Continue reading “Sleep”