Show Me The Money: All My Financial Info & Answering Y’all’s Questions

Perception is funny. I am (obviously) “me” so I know the answer to all the questions about my finances people ask me every week on Twitter or Instagram. I’ve also written about all of these topics on this very blog, but that’s over 7+ years of posts so they’re spaced out across almost decade. My bad ๐Ÿ™‚ . Well, this is an effort to put all that knowledge in one place. Continue reading “Show Me The Money: All My Financial Info & Answering Y’all’s Questions”

The Month of Mรฉrida: May 2022 Recap

I keep writing the date as March instead of May in case you’re wondering how my perception of time has been affected by retirement ๐Ÿ™‚ . So let’s see what I got up to in May (not March!).

Continue reading “The Month of Mรฉrida: May 2022 Recap”

How I’m Using A Roth IRA Conversion Ladder To Access Retirement Funds Early: A Step-By-Step Guide

After I decided that I wanted to pursue financial independence in 2015, I had a laundry list of things I needed to research and learn before retirement. However, luckily I had 10 years to figure it out ๐Ÿ™‚ . Even though that 10 year timeline became 5 when I retired in 2020, it turned out to be plenty of time to figure out all the minutiae of HOW I would actually take this leap.

Continue reading “How I’m Using A Roth IRA Conversion Ladder To Access Retirement Funds Early: A Step-By-Step Guide”

The Month Of Spring(?): March 2022 Recap

We’re back in the Northeast USA! After a month in Thailand, I landed in NYC, went to Connecticut for a hot second, and have been bopping around New York State, Massachusetts and Vermont ever since. It’s been a wild time – mostly because of the weather. It’s gone from a sub-zero snowpocalypse to 65 and sunny and back in the Northeast. I’m getting whiplash ๐Ÿ™‚ .

Continue reading “The Month Of Spring(?): March 2022 Recap”

The Month Of Family: December 2021 Recap

I named this month “The Month Of Family,” but am now realizing that’s not completely accurate. I spent this month with my partner’s family who I have co-opted into my “Found Family” since we’re not legally related. Continue reading “The Month Of Family: December 2021 Recap”

How I Made $11,520 While Retired In 2021

2021 is coming to an end – and it feels weird ๐Ÿ™‚ . But I’m going to brush aside my weird feeling that my brain is still stuck in 2020, believe my calendar is correct, and soldier on. Continue reading “How I Made $11,520 While Retired In 2021”

$5K to Retirement In 9 Years: Year 9 “The Final Countdown”

This is part of a series about my journey to early retirement. In case you missed it, here are the previous parts:

  1. $5K to Retirement In 9 Years: Year 1 “Is This Adulting?”
  2. $5K to Retirement In 9 Years: Year 2 “Avoiding My Problems With Exercise & Consumerism”
  3. $5K to Retirement In 9 Years: Year 3 “Discovering FIRE…And Ignoring It”
  4. $5K to Retirement In 9 Years: Year 4 “Catching A Unicorn”
  5. $5K to Retirement In 9 Years: Year 5 “A Seattle Bait & Switch”
  6. $5K to Retirement In 9 Years: Year 6 “Searching for Bigfoot”
  7. $5K to Retirement In 9 Years: Year 7 “The Goldilocks Zone”
  8. $5K to Retirement In 9 Years: Year 8 “The Boring Part”
    Continue reading “$5K to Retirement In 9 Years: Year 9 “The Final Countdown””

$5K to Retirement In 9 Years: Year 8 “The Boring Part”

This is part of a series about my journey to early retirement. In case you missed it, here are the previous parts:

  1. $5K to Retirement In 9 Years: Year 1 “Is This Adulting?”
  2. $5K to Retirement In 9 Years: Year 2 “Avoiding My Problems With Exercise & Consumerism”
  3. $5K to Retirement In 9 Years: Year 3 “Discovering FIRE…And Ignoring It”
  4. $5K to Retirement In 9 Years: Year 4 “Catching A Unicorn”
  5. $5K to Retirement In 9 Years: Year 5 “A Seattle Bait & Switch”
  6. $5K to Retirement In 9 Years: Year 6 “Searching for Bigfoot”
  7. $5K to Retirement In 9 Years: Year 7 “The Goldilocks Zone”

Continue reading “$5K to Retirement In 9 Years: Year 8 “The Boring Part””