The Month Of Family: December 2021 Recap

I named this month “The Month Of Family,” but am now realizing that’s not completely accurate. I spent this month with my partner’s family who I have co-opted into my “Found Family” since we’re not legally related. Continue reading “The Month Of Family: December 2021 Recap”

Slow Travel Review: Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA – The Land Of Chili Peppers

A theme has emerged since I started doing these Slow Travel Reviews: I need to have less assumptions and be more open, and living in Santa Fe, New Mexico for the month, continued to drive this lesson home. Because Santa Fe is in the Southwest I assumed it was:

  1. Flat
  2. Hot
  3. Void of Trees

Continue reading “Slow Travel Review: Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA – The Land Of Chili Peppers”

How I Lived On $20,415 As A US Nomad In 2021

First, I just want to express how surprised and delighted I am to see that I spent $20,415 in 2021. While I did estimate that I would spend $20,000 the first few years of retirement, (after living on $18K on Seattle) and built in no spending ceiling into my plan so I can spend more than $20K down the line, all of this was based on the assumption that I would be spending about half of the year outside the US. Obviously with ‘Rona that was not the case. Continue reading “How I Lived On $20,415 As A US Nomad In 2021”

The Year Of Flexibility: 2021 Goals & Accomplishments

Throughout the year, I like to jot down new things I’ve learned, read, watched and experienced to try and remember what each year entailed. I then summarize all of that in my annual goals and accomplishments posts. The goal of these posts is not just to curate what I’ve been up to, but also to document how I have changed from one year to the next and how I have grown as a person. Continue reading “The Year Of Flexibility: 2021 Goals & Accomplishments”

How I Made $11,520 While Retired In 2021

2021 is coming to an end – and it feels weird 🙂 . But I’m going to brush aside my weird feeling that my brain is still stuck in 2020, believe my calendar is correct, and soldier on. Continue reading “How I Made $11,520 While Retired In 2021”

$5K to Retirement In 9 Years: Year 9 “The Final Countdown”

This is part of a series about my journey to early retirement. In case you missed it, here are the previous parts:

  1. $5K to Retirement In 9 Years: Year 1 “Is This Adulting?”
  2. $5K to Retirement In 9 Years: Year 2 “Avoiding My Problems With Exercise & Consumerism”
  3. $5K to Retirement In 9 Years: Year 3 “Discovering FIRE…And Ignoring It”
  4. $5K to Retirement In 9 Years: Year 4 “Catching A Unicorn”
  5. $5K to Retirement In 9 Years: Year 5 “A Seattle Bait & Switch”
  6. $5K to Retirement In 9 Years: Year 6 “Searching for Bigfoot”
  7. $5K to Retirement In 9 Years: Year 7 “The Goldilocks Zone”
  8. $5K to Retirement In 9 Years: Year 8 “The Boring Part”
    Continue reading “$5K to Retirement In 9 Years: Year 9 “The Final Countdown””

$5K to Retirement In 9 Years: Year 8 “The Boring Part”

This is part of a series about my journey to early retirement. In case you missed it, here are the previous parts:

  1. $5K to Retirement In 9 Years: Year 1 “Is This Adulting?”
  2. $5K to Retirement In 9 Years: Year 2 “Avoiding My Problems With Exercise & Consumerism”
  3. $5K to Retirement In 9 Years: Year 3 “Discovering FIRE…And Ignoring It”
  4. $5K to Retirement In 9 Years: Year 4 “Catching A Unicorn”
  5. $5K to Retirement In 9 Years: Year 5 “A Seattle Bait & Switch”
  6. $5K to Retirement In 9 Years: Year 6 “Searching for Bigfoot”
  7. $5K to Retirement In 9 Years: Year 7 “The Goldilocks Zone”

Continue reading “$5K to Retirement In 9 Years: Year 8 “The Boring Part””

$5K to Retirement In 9 Years: Year 7 “The Goldilocks Zone”

This is part of a series about my journey to early retirement. In case you missed it, here are the previous parts:

  1. $5K to Retirement In 9 Years: Year 1 “Is This Adulting?”
  2. $5K to Retirement In 9 Years: Year 2 “Avoiding My Problems With Exercise & Consumerism”
  3. $5K to Retirement In 9 Years: Year 3 “Discovering FIRE…And Ignoring It”
  4. $5K to Retirement In 9 Years: Year 4 “Catching A Unicorn”
  5. $5K to Retirement In 9 Years: Year 5 “A Seattle Bait & Switch”
  6. $5K to Retirement In 9 Years: Year 6 “Searching for Bigfoot”

Continue reading “$5K to Retirement In 9 Years: Year 7 “The Goldilocks Zone””