Review: Zenni Optical – Affordable Eyeglasses That I Love

Let me paint you a picture. It’s 2016, Young Purple is a year and change into her journey to financial independence – and subsequently a year into writing on this blog 🙂 . I went to a bonfire on the beach in Seattle with some friends and had a lovely time. At some point during the night, my glasses were knocked off and lost to the bonfire gods. Continue reading “Review: Zenni Optical – Affordable Eyeglasses That I Love”

Slow Travel Review: Sacramento, CA – The Land Of Flowers & Sunshine

I don’t know why, but I still like to think I understand cities before I visit them…and that’s dumb 🙂 . I’ve been proven wrong again and again and yet…here I am thinking the same thing. Hubris. I had never visited the California capital of Sacramento before, and I expected it to be like the suburbs of San Fran, where I’d visited during my childhood, but I couldn’t have been more wrong. Continue reading “Slow Travel Review: Sacramento, CA – The Land Of Flowers & Sunshine”

The Month Of California: April 2023 Recap

A third of 2023 is over and I must politely ask: What the fuck 🙂 ? Time is barreling forward because (I assume?) I’m having too much fun. So let’s see what I got up to in the fourth month of the year.
Continue reading “The Month Of California: April 2023 Recap”

How I Spend $1,500 A Year To Manage A Chronic Disease As A Global Nomad

One of my main concerns about retiring early in the US was about how I would handle healthcare. Our country is fucked up for many reasons, but we also happen to spend more per capita than any other developed nation on healthcare AND have worse outcomes. We pay more for less – how wonderful 🙂 ! Continue reading “How I Spend $1,500 A Year To Manage A Chronic Disease As A Global Nomad”