Beating Impatience In The Final Stretch To Retirement

I’m a little over 4 years into my early retirement journey. I have less than 2 years to go and I’ve found myself becoming impatient lately…which then leads me to mentally berate myself. I have 2 years left instead of 39. That’s amazing and something to celebrate! But alas, my heart doesn’t feel it. Continue reading “Beating Impatience In The Final Stretch To Retirement”

How To Thrive While Working From Home

I received an email from the wonderful Ms. Mod over at Modest Millionaires asking for any advice I could provide about transitioning to remote work. She is taking the leap soon, which is super exciting! After writing her a (probably too long) response, I realized these suggestions might be able to help others in a similar situation and so the idea for this post was born!  Continue reading “How To Thrive While Working From Home”

How Pursuing FIRE Has Changed How I Act At Work

I was conditioned from a young age to defer to authority. “Don’t talk back” and “Because I said so” were common phrases uttered by parents in my house. You did what you were told or suffered consequences.

In high school, I was once again taught to listen to my authority figures without question. “No, deadlines are not negotiable”. “Yes you have to learn X despite it having no practical application to your life.” Continue reading “How Pursuing FIRE Has Changed How I Act At Work”

How To Cut Out Net Negative Experiences And Live Your Best Life

This Thursday is Thanksgiving: a holiday filled with too much food, too much alcohol and if you’re lucky, not a lot of drama. I unfortunately am not one of the lucky ones. Growing up, Thanksgiving (and all holidays where family was involved) instilled a sense of dread in me. We would have hoards of people descend on our house not just on the day, but often for the entire week. Continue reading “How To Cut Out Net Negative Experiences And Live Your Best Life”

Why I Enjoy Walking My Groceries Home

I feel like people are always calling me a weirdo for some aspect of my life. I’ve started to wear the label with pride. One part of my life that seems to be met with the most shock and horror lately is that I walk my groceries home. This might be surprising to friends because we live halfway up a 400 foot hill. There is a grocery store at the bottom of our hill and at the top. Either way, you’re climbing a hill in one direction, often with pounds and pounds of groceries on your back. When someone asks where my car is and I tell them I’m carfree for life usually the first question is: “But how do you get groceries?!” Continue reading “Why I Enjoy Walking My Groceries Home”

How My Partner Convinced Me To Retire Early

I have a confession to make: I didn’t come to all these wonderful conclusions about how to retire at 30 all by myself. In fact, there were years where I completely resisted the idea. My partner actually convinced me to try FIRE and I’m here to share all the gory details.  Continue reading “How My Partner Convinced Me To Retire Early”

How I Imagine A Day In Early Retirement

The responses to my last post helped drive home the point that everyone’s retirement and pre-retirement is unique. Both should be tailored to what you crave in life and what brings you the most joy. Recently a friend asked me what my perfect day looked like. After I finished answering her, I realized that I had also described what I imagined a day in early retirement would be like. I’ve written down my retirement plans for a regular day and they were identical. Nothing fancy, just simple pleasures, adventure and lots of love. Here’s what I said to her: Continue reading “How I Imagine A Day In Early Retirement”

Why I Pursue FIRE Instead Of Other Options

When someone learns that I want to retire early I get a variety of reactions. The most common one is actually indifference 🙂 , which works for me. The second most common reaction involves asking why I’m waiting for a far off goal instead of pursuing other options to change my life NOW. This came up a lot at the beginning of my journey when retirement was 10 years away. My friends and family seemed confused as to why I would reach for something so far in the future instead of changing my work to be closer to what I want immediately. Totally fair critique! Let’s explore my reasoning.  Continue reading “Why I Pursue FIRE Instead Of Other Options”