How I Saved $5,736 With Travel Hacking In 2024

I’m back at it again! I didn’t write one of these posts in 2023 because I didn’t travel hack any of my 2024 flights. I paid for all of it cash and since I didn’t fly very far, I stayed in Economy Class. I think this is the first year I’ve gone without fancy class champagne in a long while, and luckily I didn’t even notice 🙂 .

Continue reading “How I Saved $5,736 With Travel Hacking In 2024”

The Year Of Fitness: 2024 Goals & Accomplishments

Throughout the year, I like to jot down new things I’ve learned, read, watched and experienced to try and remember what each year entailed. I then summarize all of that in my annual goals and accomplishments posts.

The goal of these posts is not just to curate what I’ve been up to, but also to document how I’ve changed from one year to the next and how I’ve grown as a person. I also like to give each year a theme in retrospect. I’ve decided that 2024 has been The Year Of Fitness. Let’s jump into why 🙂 . Continue reading “The Year Of Fitness: 2024 Goals & Accomplishments”

Review: KLM Royal Dutch Airlines – Bologna, Italy to Amsterdam, The Netherlands

My adventures trying new airlines around the world continues! This time I’m taking on KLM whose full name is “KLM Royal Dutch Airlines” – fancyyy! Learning their full name led me down a rabbit hole where I discovered that The Netherlands currently has a monarchy and a King – I didn’t see that coming.

But learning about random royalty aside, I was curious to fly KLM and compare them to the many other new-to-me airlines I’ve been flying around the world recently. So let’s see how they stack up! Continue reading “Review: KLM Royal Dutch Airlines – Bologna, Italy to Amsterdam, The Netherlands”

The Month Of Amsterdam: November 2024 Recap

Here I am recapping the second to last month of 2024 while my brain is still in 2023. I really need to get on top of this temporal confusion, but in the meantime let’s see what I got up to in November 😉 .

Continue reading “The Month Of Amsterdam: November 2024 Recap”

I Joined The Health Insurance Marketplace

It finally happened. Now that I’m pulling money from my investments, my ‘income’ according to the tax man surpassed the level where I need to choose a healthcare plan from the marketplace instead of defaulting to Washington State Medicaid that I basically never used. Continue reading “I Joined The Health Insurance Marketplace”

Medical Tourism: Dental Cleaning And Cavity Fillings In Bologna, Italy

I knew that getting things done in Italy could be a bureaucratic nightmare from living there previously, but I didn’t expect getting a dental appointment to be one of those things 🙂 .

Up to this point, I’ve had my teeth cleaned in several countries and Italy is the first one where getting an appointment took so much effort that I almost gave up.

So today I have a saga for you, but it does have a happy ending. I hope this helps if anyone else is trying to get dental care in Italy as a tourist. So let’s get into it.

Continue reading “Medical Tourism: Dental Cleaning And Cavity Fillings In Bologna, Italy”

Review: IcelandAir – Boston, MA to Reykjavík, Iceland

So I got tricked into going to Iceland 🙂 …I’m totally kidding. As I mentioned in my recent monthly recap, I kept hearing about Iceland because of IcelandAir’s marketing push showing how they will add a free stopover in their gorgeous country to any flight. Continue reading “Review: IcelandAir – Boston, MA to Reykjavík, Iceland”